Innovation is the active driving force behind the growth of dye-sublimation. You can find the different applications below the tab “Application”
More than a very large format digital printer, Figarol is a hybrid organisation that blends a pioneering and rigorous industrial spirit with a creative, dedicated and support-based team focused on client satisfaction and respect for the environment.
Superior quality, technically advanced, environmentally friendly, and now available in 5 meter width… the dye sublimation print process offers only advantages and will revolutionise the world of digital print.
Aluminium structures
To help you prepare your projects, we have a large range of simple, well-thought-out structure solutions
Good exposure for Figarol – Paris Auto Show
Why will Sublimation replace UV?
Sublimated Carpet!
Our R&D Dept came out with a new technological advance : sublimation printing on Carpet.
Until now printed in UV, with numerous inconveniences …
Customers and Partners
Faithful customers, friendly visitors, future partners, this web site was designed for you. Its purpose : share our technological innovations…...
International development
“In our business we expect from our partners a fast service and excellent printing quality to bring out the most…...
Sales Director
beMatrix HQ
TTs and Figarol join forces in 5m wide sublimation market
“Figarol, a production printer based un Tours (France) which provides printing services to resellers rather than directly to end consumers, joined forces with TTS to develop an interesting application for wide format…”

MAC DONALD DES CHAMPS ELYSEES Personnalisation du décor dans un restaurant
“Technique innovante d’impression sur textile, la sublimation ouvre de nouvelles perspectives aux concepteurs de décor intérieur en autorisant la reproduction d’images en couleurs de très haute qualité et en grande largeur…”

Figarol, l’esprit d’un pionnier
“En s’équipant d’une Durst Rhotex 500, Figarol se donne les moyens de garder une longueur d’avance sur le marché de la sublimation textile…”
37700 Saint Pierre des Corps
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